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Group of Pacific Coast students walking through the school

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

- John 8:12

Pacific Coast Alumnus - Georgia

Pacific Coast Alumnus

"They never made me fit into one box. They saw me for who I was, my strengths in the academic side but also the spiritual side."

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Pacific Coast Parent - Jon

Pacific Coast Parent 

"There was such a happy, warm, loving feeling here from the very first minute we walked in. We knew this was the school."

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Pacific Coast Parent - Bree

Pacific Coast Parent 

"Pacific Coast goes above and beyond education. She knows she's loved, just for being her, by God and by the staff and students."

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Pacific Coast Alumnus - Georgia


Pacific Coast Alumnus

"They never made me fit into one box. They saw me for who I was, my strengths in the academic side but also the spiritual side."

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Pacific Coast Parent - Jon


Pacific Coast Parent

"There was such a happy, warm, loving feeling here from the very first minute we walked in. We knew this was the school."

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Pacific Coast Parent - Bree


Pacific Coast Parent

"Pacific Coast goes above and beyond education. She knows she's loved, just for being her, by God and by the staff and students."

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A safe, supportive and caring Christian community
Excellence in Education
Biblical Worldview
Holistic Development
Learning Opportunities
Christian Community
Middle School
A connected Christian community with embedded school values of Connection, Respect, Service and Perseverance.



Discover the benefits of our Christ-centred community. Meet members of our passionate and dedicated teaching and support staff. Experience our students engaging and flourishing in their learning.